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Canyon Arts Healing

Hands on arts and out of door activities for the children and families who live in the canyon areas. Any child or families affected by the fires or floods in any capacity is welcome. This program aims to help build resiliency and healing through activities that rebuild a sense of healthy and safe community through creative exploration, unity, collaborative and supportive creative out of door activates. Schedule child focused classes provided with and open community counseling format for parents and caregivers who need time to talk with one another. 20 community outreach workshops and classes are not cost.

Please RSMP to scheduled events! Children under 5 must have a parent with the child. To RSVP or questions, Marsha Judd 714.388.4815

Mary Schieber 714.323.9181

March 5

Chipper Days - Trabuco

September 17

3 Clean-Up Days in One! California Coastal Clean Up, Canyon Clean Sweep and Chipper Day.