Harden Your Home and Create a Defensible Space
Home Hardening Recommendations
Home Assessment - Wildfire Home Assessment by the OCFA General information. Home Assessment Online Tool - Use OCFA’s Home Assessment Online Tool for home hardening recommendations or schedule a FREE home assessment with an OCFA fire inspector. There is no charge for this assessment. The goal is to learn from the inspector and get a gameplan. No strings attached.
To do your own assessment or schedule a free assessment from OCFA. RSGOC@ocfa.org or call 714 5736774
Vegetation Management and Vegetation Management Maintenance Guidelines for Property Owners
CALFIRE Home Hardening Retrofit guide and list
AB38 - Statewide Real Estate disclosure process for homes being sold in High and Very High Fire Hazard Severity zones. This is a disclosure to the buyer of compliance with wildfire safety measure. Real Estate agents can call 714 573 6774 to schedule and inspection, no charge in OCFA areas. The Home Assessment is a good place to start for buyers and sellers.