Important Resources and Links



One of the most important things a property owner can do to mitigate wildfires, is to clear dead, dying and fire-prone vegetation from around their homes and along roads.
Click on: Clearing Brush for Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention in the Canyons - Developed for residents of Silverado, Modjeska, Trabuco, Williams, Harding, Live Oak, Santiago Canyon.

In case of fire - A 12-page guide on how to prepare for wildfire and other canyon disasters. Download and view hyperlinks to take you to important sources of information.

Emergency Access Road Clearance Requirements - Local fire engines are 10' feet wide and are 13'6"high. California 2010 Fire Code requires emergency vehicle clearance and states that property owners may be cited for failure to comply.

Residents Guide to Wildland Fire Safety - Developed by Modjeska Firefighter's for canyon residents

Homeowners Guide for Flood, Debris and Erosion Control after Fires - Published by Orange County Flood Control Division

Buy it where you burn it



Emergency Preparedness

Barricade Fire Gel

waveGUARD Wildfire Home Defense System - waveGUARD™ offers fully automatic, self-contained, exterior Wildfire Defense Systems to protect homes and property from wildfires.

Coupon Chief, Emergency Supplies - List of resources and lists of what to have in your emergency preparedness kits.

The Ready Store, Emergency Supplies

Ready - Prepare, Plan & Stay Informed

Be Prepared